Bootstrap Island, the PC VR survival game, adds its first boss and a new location in today's major update.
Currently available in early access, today's 'Overlord Update' for Bootstrap Island introduces several major changes. Most prominent is the 'Dark Lair' area that's home to a formidable giant ape known only as the Jungle Overlord that's out to kill you. Other additions include a day counter, food-spoiling mechanics, and boots that increase your walking and running speed.
"A towering beast found within the depths of the island's interior, the Jungle Overlord knows the terrain and can easily utilize the surroundings to gain the advantage. Survivors must be prepared, ensuring their equipment is well-maintained to take on this powerful foe," states developer Maru VR.
It's the second major update we've seen since February's early access launch, the first being June's 'Building and Inventory' update. That introduced a new building system where you can construct shelters for your protection, and enhanced inventory management that lets you store essential items in a satchel.
We enjoyed Bootstrap Island during our Gamescom 2024 hands-on, where we praised its "intuitive" gameplay systems. While we noted there weren't many things you could do yet as an early access game, we believed that "this survival game feels for what VR is best at: putting you and your two hands into a new world."
Bootstrap Island is available now on Steam Early Access and Viveport, and the full release targets late 2025.